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Using the dreamencounter's SPIP

Wednesday 10 June 2009, by clem

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

Quick management of all content:

To manage the whole content of the site, use the ’Entire Site’ page.This page enables you to reorganize the hierarchy of sections and articles with a simple icons’Drag’n drop ’ followed by a validation of the changes (a’ Modify ’ button appears once icon is droped)
Warning: this feature requires the good use of the icon of the article or section as an element to enter but also as an element on which file!

Using configuration’s interface

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Generals administrators can configure different settings via the configuration interface accessible via the private interface ((Configuration> CFG> Median’s Template)). The configuration allows you to define both the colors that some texts or groups of keywords "technical" (not to be displayed in public pages).

Using keywords:

The keywords of the site (menu ’ Site edit ’> ’ Keywords ’) are used for 2 types of features:

  • Either it can manage the configuration items of the site: we refer to ’ technical keywords ’. So that they are not visible in the public pages it is necessary tick the relevant groups in the block definition of groups of words of the key technical interface configuration. This document details the specific functions associated with each technical keyword.
  • Or they can involve an element (article or section) to cross-cutting theme of the site. In this case they will be visible in the list of suggested keywords on different pages of the site to be used in a thematic content of the site in addition to navigation by sections.

Keyword _invisible_:

all of the articles or items associated with the keyword ’_invisible_’ will not appear on the public pages.
For the sections there are ’legacy’ that is, articles and sub-sections in a topic with ’_invisible_’ will also be non-visible

The top banner of all pages

  • if there is an image ’ site’s logo ’ (see box ’THIS SITE’S LOGO’ in the ’Configuration’: ) it will be used as the banner of every top pages of the site. (the picture is cropped so as not to exceed 860px wide)
  • if the site’s logo is not defined, a ’typographic image ’ is created from the name of the site defined in the’ Configuration ’ (field ’ Your site’s name ’).
  • The font, text color, font size and the maximum width before new line, are defined in the file /squelettes/in-entete.html line 10:
    … image_typo = Bookosb.ttf (font size = 28, color = 005C49, width = 800)
  • size = font size in points
  • color = use hexadecimal code without the initial #
  • width = maximum width in pixels before new line
  • You can use a different font from Bookosb.ttf by placing the .Ttf file in the folder /squelettes/polices (warning! To avoid the copyright issue, the police must be a free one … A great choice is available on
    the top banner is linked to the home page of the site but this could be change by using the field ’ Explanatory texte ’ of the ’ top_logo_url ’ keyword.

Configuration of the home page

  • The article displayed on the top of the page is configured via the plugin aa (menu ’ Site edit ’> ’ article accueil ’: ). This article may (should!) have the keyword ’_invisible_’ to not appear elsewhere in the list of articles.
  • on the right side you can display a small slideshow (cf The photos displayed are drawn randomly from among those associated with articles with the keyword ’photos_sommaire
  • under the summary article are displayed 4 articles with their logo: These articles are chosen according to the following algorithm:
  • The 4 articles with the keyword ’bloc_sommaire’ with the smallest numbers as a prefix of their titles ( ’1. the title of first’, ’2. the title of the second »…)
  • if there is no 4 articles with the keyword ’bloc_sommaire’ + a number, complete with the articles with the most latest keyword
  • if there is no 4 articles with this keyword complete with the latest articles published
  • The foot page can show the thematic keywords used in a ’tag-cloud’ (the more the word is used the more it appears big). The title of this tag cloud can be changed as it ties to the text of the keyword ’tags_cloud_title
  • At the left of the tag cloud it is possible to display a block ’Contact’ which shows the description of the keyword of the ’Contact ’ block. The display is made as follows:
    Keyword Title : Description of the keyword
    The details are displayed in the order defined by the numbers prefixed by the name of the keyword ( ’ 1. Tel’, ’ 2. Fax ’, …)
    If you do not want to display the ’Contact’ block you just have to rename the key word ’ Coordonnees

Sections display:

Articles display:

Articles are displayed regardless of the visitor but it is possible to restrict access to identified visitors (see link ’ Sign in ’ in the banner footer) by involving the keyword ’ restricted_access ’ in an article. The ’ restricted_explanation ’ keyword contains within its field ’ Explanatory text ’ this text will be used to introduce the access restriction.If we add in the keyword ’ form_account_creation ’ in this article, unidentified visitors will be offered a ’Visitor’ account creation : cf , use the link ’ Log out ’ of the banner footer to test the restriction of access and the form of account creation). The ’ Explanatory text ’ field of this keyword contains the introducing text of the creation of an account form.

Configure the account form :

Configure the form of new account creation using ’ Configuration ’ > ’ CFG ’> ’ Inscription 2 ’.It includes 3 mandatory information: ’ Signature ’ ’ E-mail ’ ’ Login ’. Other information can be added or removed at the discretion of the administrator. Each field can be made mandatory and / or modified by the user by checking the boxes.

Using the forms: general information

The tool’s form is accessible via ’ Site edit ’> ’ Forms and polls ’. ( ). It creates forms that will be integrated into the articles. To see the possibilities of creating a form see ’ The form’s title ’ in the’ Edit ’ mode

  • it is possible to manage the layout of the form using fields ’ New question block ’, each of them generates a new fieldset that includes the following questions.
  • once created, a form can be incorporated in the text or in the description of an article or section by inserting the code where XX represents the number of the form. See giving .
  • If you want that only registered users respond just add the keyword ’r estricted access ’ to the article which contains the form (see previous paragraph).
  • The answers to a form of type ’ poll ’ are presented in the article that includes the form if the configuration of the latter allows to see the responses on the public part of the site (see option ’ Form Type ’ in the ’ Properties ’ of the forms edit interface).
  • Each form has a results consultation interface in the private part: ’ Site edit ’> ’ Forms and polls ’> button ’ display ’. In this interface you can then publish or reject answer: move the mouse on the orange icon at the top line of the reply and select ’ published reply ’ (or ’Reply deleted’) in the mini-menu that appears.

Using the forms to publish responses as articles on the site

For forms that are not polls, responses can be processed into articles: ’ Site edit ’> ’ Forms and polls ’ > button ’ Export in an article ’ Automatically the article is generated with the questions and answers included in the text. The form configuration may then be adapted so that the created article specifically formats the answers : to do so, use the ’ Encapsulate the field in the HTML code ’ fields.

  • Properties ’ part of the form : the ’Encapsulate the field in the HTML code’ field enables you to put the number of the section in which the articles generated from the responses of this form will be placed. For instance with ’ 16 ’ in this field, the form ’ Your dreams & business ’ publishes its answers under the form of an article in the section No. 16 ie
  • in the ’ Fields ’ part of the form’s interface, if a field has ’ no_title ’ in its ’ Encapsulate the field in the HTML code ’, the answer will be published in the text without any title above.
  • the field that includes ’ title_article ’ in its ’Encapsulate …’ field will be used to make the title of the article
  • a field with ’ no_publication ’ will not be published in the article generated from the answer.

Edit CSS sheets of the site

All template files (i.e. ’ squelette ’ in SPIP’s language) which configure the pages and their styles are stored in the folder /squelettes of the site. The CSS sheets are :

  • habillage.css that defines the general styles
  • perso.css that defines the specific styles
  • sometimes the cloud.css and jqueryslidemenu.css sheets may be used too

A very usefull tool to find which style’s definition is used for an element in the page. To test modifications use the Firefox add-on ’Firebug’: . Use it without moderation!

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